Dynamic Running Drills with Videos

Roam co-founder, Dr Andrius Ramonas, has put together a set of activation running drills. These drills are designed to improve coordination of key muscle groups that are important for good running technique, speed, and power.

If you haven't already, check out our Activation Running Drills and try these first, before trying these drills.

Integrate these drills into your training. The best time is after an easy training run, when your body is warm. Practicing drills at least 2 times per week is a good aim. Start off with the Stage 1 Drills for a couple of sessions, and then move on to Stage 2.

After mastering these drills (this could take a few weeks), you can progress to the Velocity Running Drills.

Remember: performing drills when you haven't warmed up properly could result in injury. Don't take the chance!

Dynamic Drills: Stage I

Stage 1 Dynamic Running Drills Roam NZ Australia

List of the Drills

Activation Stage I (above)

  • Carioca: 2 x 15m walk to 2x 15m faster
  • Ankling: 3-4 x 20m, walk back recovery
  • A-walk with hop: 3 x 15m, walk back recovery
  • Straight leg skip: 3 x2 0m, walk back recovery
  • Windmill: 1 x 8-12 reps walking to 2 x 10 reps skipping
  • Strides: 5 x 40 - 50m, walk back recovery

Activation Stage II (below)

  • Carioca (fast pace): 4 x 20m
  • Butt kickers: 3 x 20m, walk back recovery
  • A-skip: 1 x 10 reps on the spot working to 2 x 20m skip forward
  • High knees: 3 x 20m, walk back recovery
  • B-walk (fast pace): 2-3 x 15m, walk back recovery
  • Straight legs backwards: 3 x2 0m
  • Strides: 4 x 40-50m, walk back recovery

Dynamic Drills: Stage II

Stage 1 Dynamic Running Drills Roam NZ Australia
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